how to include max in sql where clause?
Asked By: Zulu Z
Originally Asked On: 2014-01-06 02:01:00
Asked Via: stackoverflow
I have to create a query to return a next installment date and have a problem with condition when there is a record with no next date (e.g. already paid) but I still need to return that record. Installments payments are every 30 days. Like that:
SELECT u.idloan, t.instdate FROM loans u, schedule t WHERE t.instdate IS NOT NULL AND (t.instdate > CONVERT(VARCHAR,getdate(),102) AND t.instdate < DateAdd(DAY, 30, GetDate()) AND t.loanid= u.idloan ORDER BY u.idloan
With query above I get the loan next payment date but but no records with loans already paid. I was thinking about adding:
or max (t.instdate) < convert(varchar,getdate(),102)
But getting error cannot include max in where clause.
Any work around? Working on SQL Server 2012.Thanks.
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xdazz’s answer to
how to include max in sql where clause?
Using the
clause:HAVING max(t.instdate) < convert(varchar,getdate(),102)
Of course, you should really check out the original question.
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