count query with joins in sql
Asked By: user3134694
Originally Asked On: 2014-01-05 18:38:16
Asked Via: stackoverflow
I try to create a count query in SQL, and I try to show notifications to supervisor, manager and director when any users uploaded new documents in
ALTER procedure [dbo].[countdocuments] @DepID int as SELECT COUNT(*), Designation.DesigID FROM DocumentInfo INNER JOIN dbo.Userss ON dbo.Userss.DesigID = dbo.Designation.DesigID WHERE Userss.DesigID = 'Finance'
but when I execute it, the following error occurs
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure countdocuments, Line 7
The multi-part identifier “dbo.Designation.DesigID” could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Procedure countdocuments, Line 5
The multi-part identifier “Designation.DesigID” could not be bound.OK this is my
tableDesigID DesigType 1 SuperVisor 2 Manager 3 Director 4 BasicUsers
and this is
tableDocID DocDescrit DocName UploadedDate Uploadfile DocTypeID DepID ApproveID UploadedBy UserID 32 codescomputer 2013-12-30 22:30:00.623 details.docx 1 2 1amna 24
and this is
tableUserID UserName Password UserTypeID DepID CreateDate Email PhoeNumber DesigID 21 john abc 2 NULL NULL 2013-12-02 22:01:03.903 NULL 12313 4
and when I try this query
ALTER procedure [dbo].[countdocuments] @DepID int as BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt, Designation.DesigID FROM Designation INNER JOIN dbo.Userss ON dbo.Userss.DesigID = dbo.Designation.DesigID WHERE Userss.DesigID = @DepID GROUP BY Designation.DesigID END
when I try to execute like with
@depid = 4
this show me like this and I don’t understand where is 4 coming from..Cnt DesigID 4 4
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All Answers For: count query with joins in sql
M.Ali’s answer to
count query with joins in sql
ALTER procedure [dbo].[countdocuments] @DepID int as BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt,Designation.DesigID FROM DocumentInfo inner join dbo.Userss on dbo.Userss.DesigID = dbo.DocumentInfo.DesigID WHERE Userss.DesigID = @DepID GROUP BY DocumentInfo.DesigID END
You have different Table Names in you
clause andON
clause. I have tried to fix it assuming you haveDesigID
column in yourDocumentInfo
DevelopmentIsMyPassion’s answer to
count query with joins in sql
Looking at your comment try following
ALTER procedure [dbo].[countdocuments] @DepID int as BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt,Designation.DesigID FROM Designation left join dbo.Userss on dbo.Userss.DesigID = dbo.Designation.DesigID left Join DocumentInfo on Userss.UserId= DocumentInfo.UserId and Designation.DepId = DocumentInfo.DepId WHERE Userss.DesigID = @DepID GROUP BY Designation.DesigID END
Or try below
Looking at your comment try following ALTER procedure [dbo].[countdocuments] @DepID int as BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt,Designation.DesigID FROM DocumentInfo left Join Userss on DocumentInfo.UserId = Userss.UserId left Join Designation on DocumentInfo.DepId = Designation.DeptId and Designation.DesigID = Userss.DesigId WHERE Userss.DesigID = @DepID GROUP BY Designation.DesigID END
Of course, you should really check out the original question.
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