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connection of c# application to server using integrated security [ANSWERED]


connection of c# application to server using integrated security

Asked By: ankur
Originally Asked On: 2014-01-02 12:50:35
Asked Via: stackoverflow

I want to connect my application to server using windows authentication,
currently i am using this connection string which is placed in settings of my app.

server=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;Initial Catalog=xxx;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user; password=Pass

I know i have to use integrated security true but what actually i have to do with SQL SERVER.
I have the access to remote server.
Do i have to change settings of sql server

I have tried creating a new user in sql server with windows authentication
Is it should be application specific

He received 1 answers
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Mike Perrenoud’s answer to

connection of c# application to server using integrated security

You will need to add a “Login” under the server’s “Security” node for the Windows user (or group the user is in) and give that login access to the database you want.

All of that can be done in the new login screen.

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All Answers For: connection of c# application to server using integrated security

Mike Perrenoud’s answer to

connection of c# application to server using integrated security

You will need to add a “Login” under the server’s “Security” node for the Windows user (or group the user is in) and give that login access to the database you want.

All of that can be done in the new login screen.

Of course, you should really check out the original question.

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