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SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string [ANSWERED]


SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string

Asked By: newSpringer
Originally Asked On: 2014-01-02 12:01:42
Asked Via: stackoverflow

I have been looking into this for a while now and I cannot find a way to remove duplicate strings from a comma-separated string in SQL Server 2000. I can find a lot of examples of this for SQL Server 2005 and 2008 but not 2000.

Given the string

does anyone know how would you return test,test2,test3?

He received 3 answers
eventually accepting:

Mikael Eriksson’s answer to

SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string

You can use while loop to parse the string and put the values you find in a temporary variable and before you add the value you do a check if it is already added.

declare @S varchar(50)
declare @T varchar(50)
declare @W varchar(50)

set @S = 'test,test2,test,test3,test2'
set @T = ','

while len(@S) > 0
  set @W = left(@S, charindex(',', @S+',')-1)+','
  if charindex(','+@W, @T) = 0
    set @T = @T + @W
  set @S = stuff(@S, 1, charindex(',', @S+','), '')

set @S = substring(@T, 2, len(@T)-2)

print @S

If you want to do this in a query you need to put the code above in a function.

create function dbo.RemoveDups(@S varchar(50))
returns varchar(50)
  declare @T varchar(50)
  declare @W varchar(50)

  set @T = ','

  while len(@S) > 0
    set @W = left(@S, charindex(',', @S+',')-1)+','
    if charindex(','+@W, @T) = 0
      set @T = @T + @W
    set @S = stuff(@S, 1, charindex(',', @S+','), '')

  return substring(@T, 2, len(@T)-2)

And use it like this

select dbo.RemoveDups(ColumnName) as DupeFreeString
from YourTable

If the selected answer did not help you out, the other answers might!

All Answers For: SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string

Mikael Eriksson’s answer to

SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string

You can use while loop to parse the string and put the values you find in a temporary variable and before you add the value you do a check if it is already added.

declare @S varchar(50)
declare @T varchar(50)
declare @W varchar(50)

set @S = 'test,test2,test,test3,test2'
set @T = ','

while len(@S) > 0
  set @W = left(@S, charindex(',', @S+',')-1)+','
  if charindex(','+@W, @T) = 0
    set @T = @T + @W
  set @S = stuff(@S, 1, charindex(',', @S+','), '')

set @S = substring(@T, 2, len(@T)-2)

print @S

If you want to do this in a query you need to put the code above in a function.

create function dbo.RemoveDups(@S varchar(50))
returns varchar(50)
  declare @T varchar(50)
  declare @W varchar(50)

  set @T = ','

  while len(@S) > 0
    set @W = left(@S, charindex(',', @S+',')-1)+','
    if charindex(','+@W, @T) = 0
      set @T = @T + @W
    set @S = stuff(@S, 1, charindex(',', @S+','), '')

  return substring(@T, 2, len(@T)-2)

And use it like this

select dbo.RemoveDups(ColumnName) as DupeFreeString
from YourTable

sheiky’s answer to

SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string

I was looking for this in Oracle. And i stumbled upon another solution. For those who are trying to do the same with a query in Oracle. Try the below query

with t as (select 'SCOTT,ALLEN,KING,SCOTT' as in_cls from dual)
, t1 as ( select distinct regexp_substr(in_cls, '[^,]+', 1, rownum) names
                  from t
                  connect by rownum <= length(regexp_replace(in_cls, '[^,]'))+1)
    RTrim(xmlagg(xmlelement(a,names||',').extract('//text()')),',') string
from t1



zgraf’s answer to

SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string

Might need a little tweaking. I widened the fields a bit and then tried:

SELECT dbo.RemoveDups('Procedure, Missing Attestation, Procedure, Incomplete Note, Missing technique');

But it missed the dup on Procedure.

Of course, you should really check out the original question.

The post SQL Server 2000: remove duplicates from comma-separated string [ANSWERED] appeared first on Tech ABC to XYZ.

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